The impact of divorce on children.

 The impact of divorce on children.

Health problems:

 Divorce increases the likelihood of children having health problems, as after divorce between parents, children are 50 percent more likely to develop health problems than children who live normally with their parents, and children living with both parents are 20 to 35 percent more physically healthy than children who do not live with both parents, and children after divorce are at risk of many diseases, such as asthma, headaches, and speech problems.

Poor educational attainment:

 Divorce leads to poor educational attainment in children, as children at the time of divorce cannot understand the changes that occur properly, which leads to increased dispersal and confusion, which in turn reduces their ability to concentrate on their daily activities, including their school work, so the negative impact of divorce on the academic performance of children is observed,[2] and children who have received their parents' divorce are twice as likely to drop out of secondary school than children living with their parents.

feeling guilty:

The occurrence of divorce between parents increases the children's sense of guilt, they cannot understand why their parents are separated from each other, they tend to believe that they no longer love each other, they may think that they have done something wrong that led to divorce and feel guilty, which in turn leads to many problems for children such as depression and stress, and many other health problems, so it is necessary to provide guidance to the child to show the real reason for divorce to reduce his sense of guilt.

Failure in relationships:

 Divorce increases the possibility of children living a life in unhealthy relationships in the future, as a child whose parents are divorced is more likely to suffer from difficulty in obtaining healthy relationships at puberty. In the future.
